lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

The Big Bang Theory

Greetings, students! 

As explained in class, we are about to start our new project using blogs to comment and elaborate content related to The Big Bang Theory. Each week you’ll be given a specific task, episode or character to comment on. Please read the dos and don’ts below to make sure we all have a pleasurable experience.


1Personal safety

-       Don’t share:
o   personal information: last name, address, age, phone number
o   passwords
o   personal pictures
o   your bank account
-       Do change your privacy settings to “private”
-       Don’t bully your classmates. Bullying will be prosecuted and punished
-       Do be aware of the digital footprint: everything you post online stays there forever and can be traced and searched by anyone, anytime, anywhere

2How to write

-       General
o   Do watch your grammar and spelling
o   Do proofread
o   Do think before you write
o   Do be creative: don’t use other people’s work or, if you do, mention or link them
o   Do stick to the topic
o   Do post in English ONLY
o   Do warn your classmates if you are about to reveal crucial information about the plot (SPOILER ALERT)

-       Entries
o   Don’t post without reviewing
o   Do watch your structure
o   Do write clearly and concisely

-       Comments
o   Don’t be offensive
o   Do tolerate other people’s opinions and insights
o   Do be constructive
o   Do use full sentences
o   Do read the whole post through before commenting
o   Do keep your problems out of the blog
o   Do comment at least twice a week

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